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January 11, 2009


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Nice and detailed explanation! Thanks Sharon! I did not receive my fabrics yet so I cannot start, I hope I have them for the weekend... I might be hand-sewing, I am not so good with the machine and do not want to damage the fabrics, if that is the case I will need the time!... we'll see...


sharon - nz

Thanks for this, have the first part done now phew.....so far so good from this first time quilter

Thanks so much


ok I see now that it has been changed to read five 9in squares.

I'm excited to get going


did i read it wrong

thanks Janine

Janine Lawrence

I have selected flannels for my quilt. Feature is the old fashioned ice cream sundae and the other colours blend. Have cut them out and will sew tomorrow. Expected temp is 42 degrees celsius

Janine Lawrence

You should have 9inch squares. Not 5x9 rectangles. Janine


okay I'm new at quilting and alittle confused my "B" fabric when I get done will be a 5x9 square? But the photo dont look like mine. Mine arent so squared. Please help


I have the first step done. Should the finished block measure 12 1/2"? Thanks for sponsoring this!


Very use is well explained, exactly for me that the translator online. Difficult it is the choice of fabrics.

Margot .... Brasil


Yay! You posted early! What fun! dd and I chose the fabrics on the weekend and I've put up photos on my blog. Tomorrow we shall make a start :)
Thanks so much for hosting this!

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