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January 24, 2009


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marlene carpes

Hello friend
I love it join the project and would like Mystery of must as is my filibeg. I am anxious to finish it and would like to make a quilt, increasing another 80 cm. Have any suggestions on how to increase?
Have a good day to you.
Marlene Carpes

Kristi VanOs

Helen - I've got everything done so far and it looking great. I didn't realize that we were going to have stars. I love it. Take a look at my progress. I wish my points were better but, I really like it!


Thanks Helen, have managed to get half of it done this afternoon, hopeflly can get this step done after work this week, its looking good (I think) LOL

Corinna / Germany

So. I have cut the rest of my pieces. Sewing all seams took a lot of time today but I did it ;-). I have so much fun doing this mystery. I layed my strips on the floor and it looks so nice.
I´m waiting for the next step ;-)


I have to say, your mystery quilt is looking beautiful. I might have to print out all the directions and try it on a slower time schedule. For now as I read it, I'm lost. Maybe if I had cut out everything and was doing with y'all then it wouldn't be so confusing. I love the idea of the mystery quilt, and will be trying to do it and catch up with ya'll. Right now though, I'm feeling overwhelmed.

Janine Lawrence

Thanks Helen, All done now I'm off to Melbourne for a rew days and I am not even going to try to see what the quilt is going to look like.
Janine Lawrence

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