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September 10, 2009


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Helen, Take some deep breaths.

Helen Stubbings

Hi Julie, no not teaching this year, doing some classes myself with a view
to maybe apply to teach there next year.



Carol Hansen

Aren't lists great :) Just think of how accomplished you will feel when everything for the next month is crossed off !!!!!!!!

One seam at a time dear lady. One seam at a time.

And I have to go make some yo-yo's.


Helen will you be teaching any classes in Houston? If so what and when?


OOOoooo-aaaaahhhh, I'm loving the reds and beiges....gor-ge-ous!!!
Looks like most of the hard work is done with the blocks all made?!
Advice I'm always given....deep breaths and baby steps.....one at a time....may not seem like it, but you get there faster in the long run!!!
Lists are always good too....feels like you're accomplishing things when you get to cross things off!
;o) Wendy B


Yes, breathing is a big help. Don't forget to do it every now and again. I have no doubt you will finish on time and that they will both be beautiful. A-


Helen, take a deep breath and be patience YOU CAN DO IT I´m sure it will all be finished in time. The red and cream one is looking great.

Jo from the farm

Hi Helen, I hope you get it all done without too much stress... Take care, Love Jo xx

Diane Cannon

Hi Helen--You can do it--one stitch at a time--just keep stitching and drinking tea with honey and lemon helps---Hugs, just, Di

liege welsch

Não será fácil, mas voce conseguirá.
Boa sorte!!!!

Jo in TAS

WooHoo! That means 3 1/2 weeks and I'm on holidays, well sort of! The reds and creams are looking good. If you need me to help form a production line give me a yell!

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