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October 22, 2010


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I'm excited about the second issue of Quiltmaker's 100 Blocks!


Helen - that is so COOL!

Jan Quigley

I just have to stitch the little snail then my block will be in the mail. Thanks this has been fun, & my friends have now become friends with each other. How cool is that??? cheers, Jan

Tracee (Quiltkitty) from Perth

Congratulations Helen. I have the first 100 blocks issue & it is great to kepp for inspiration. Can't wait to get a copy of this too! xx


I have just finished stitching my block and will post onto my friend next week.It is so lovely thank you.Not sure if it is OK to post a photo of it on my blog?
Exciting that 'you' are in a book.


Congratulations! The magazine looks great. I don't suppose it will be very easy to get in the UK.

My stitching round the block is going well. I know Marina has posted hers to me, so I am just waiting now to post mine on, and so it goes round ;-)

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