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June 20, 2011


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Hi Helen, I have been looking all week for good tutorials or lessons. I had just given up when I fell in to an interview with you over at http://www.welovefrenchknots.com now I have spent the last little while finding my way back to the beginning of stitched Sundays. I am so THRILLED! Your explanations and photos are great and best of all, it looks like we have the same exact "tastes" as far as styles, designs & colors go. Thank you so much for taking the time to post all of these. I am going to start from here.

Jane T

I just stumbled across your site and love it. I am very disappointed that I didn't see this sooner so I could join in the Stitched Sunday. Maybe I can find the directions by going over the site. Lovely work here. I am a beginner.

dawn caines

Am i to late to join in ???


If it is not too late I would love to join in. Thank you.


This is great! Thank you!

Ida a.k.a. KnittingGranny

Thanks...I am looking forward to this very much! Really appreciate the time and effort on your part to make this available.

Mary Ann

Oh my gosh! And on wool too so its will look wonderful front and back. I am so excited.


Two words- Yip - eeee! So glad you are doing this, I'll be right there learning and sewing along with you. Thanks!


Really looking forward to this! Anxious to learn how to stitch!! Thank you for doing this!! :)

Yvonne aka sommeke

I love the idea! Thank you!


I am very keen to know more especially as I am very slow at hand sewing. I need all the tips I can get.


I loe your blog. hugs


Looking forward to it, I will b joining in for sure.


Wow! I just found your blog through Fiona of Bubz Rugz, and I am so happy that I did. I am not very good at embroidery at all but really want to learn, so I will definitely be joining in. Thank you so much for generously sharing your knowledge with us; I am looking forward to it!




Thanks so much for this. I am really looking forward to joining in. Sounds like a lot of fun xx


Oh this is so exciting - I will be folloiwng along. I plan to share this site with my friends.

Janet Melanson

Excellent idea...thanks for this Can't wait


Really looking forward to this , I love to stitch but have so much to learn !


Love the idea. Hoping to join in.


I will jump at any opportunity to brush up on my stitching, looking forward to it


Looking forward to doing this...

Mary Jo

LOVE to stitch! So excited to start this and learn something new!! I hope you will send out a reminder for us busy people who have to work Sunday!!!Thank you so much for sharing!!


Great I would love to join you all. Definitely agree there is always something to learn. Looking forward to Sunday.


I am going to have a go at this.


Hi Helen --Sign me up! I truly enjoy hand work and this will be a good preview for me before I start
the "Life Is Beautiful" project.
Sunday can't get here soon enough!. God Bless

Carol M

Count me in - I love to stitch but need some help!


I'm a beginner, but I really would like to join!


I would love to join in - it seems like a perfect Sunday activity! I'll place the button on my blog and try to spread the word. Thanks for sharing your talent :)


I'm stunned at your timing..I really want to be in this class, thank-you so much for the opportunity, it's just what I need, so God bless you!


Perfect timing Helen! I'm in and look forward to seeing what tricks you have up your sleeve to help us all along.


Lovely idea, I will be stitching with you!

Wendy B

Fantastic idea Helen....I'd love to join in!! I love stitching....I feel like my arm's been cut off if I miss a couple of days.....look forward to learning together!
sugary hugs
Wendy X :O)


I stitch every day and if I miss it a day, I feel may day is not quite as complete as it usually is.
I'm really looking forward to it!!!


great idea Helen!
i am in.


This will be wonderful - thank you.


sounds like a great idea and opportunity to learn new things, thankyou for sharing your talent with us all, I am off to put the button on my blog


sounds like fun. You can always learn something new!


This is great!! and it sounds like a lot of fun....;-)




Sound like just what I need to get the stitching kick started here.
Thanks for sharing


Thank you for doing that. I certainly can use tips and how-to's . I'm looking forward to next week.

Vicki ♥

I look forward to it Helen as I love to sitch and have always liked the fancy stitches too :) Hugs Vicki

Deb R

Cant wait!!! Love hand stitching sooo relaxing :)


This sounds great Helen, I am looking forward to it!

Lee Ann L.

This sounds wonderful! I'm looking forward to it! :-)


I look forward to learning. I don't get on the computer on Sunday's but I'll be here Monday to see what you've come up with!


I think I'll stitch with you ... Thank you for the idea !

Ruth B

This will be fun! Thank you Helen!!

Dzintra Ingrid

Wow Helen...this is wonderful...Thank You so much!!!


I like this idea. I'm in!


Sounds wonderful Helen, I'll be sticthing along with you! Tracee xx

Mandy M

Sounds like fun! I'll be watching, I may even learn something new.

One Day In May, Creations by Melissa Grant

Fabulous!! What a great idea.

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