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October 30, 2012


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I have threaded my needles this way for a very long time too - not a chance of ever going back to the one-eye-open-look-for-the-daylight-through-the-hole-tongue-poked-out-miss-by-a-mile method for me, no sir-ee.


That method has worked a treat since I picked it up in your Perth workshop. No more missing again & again & again, squinting & swearing at the soon need to wear glasses while stitching! Thanks Helen. xx


i'm a licker! my mum always did it and so do i!

May Britt

That is exactly what I tell the ladies in my classes too :)


Thanks for that beause I always have trouble threading my needle.


I've ways threaded my needle this way and people can't understand why I never have trouble threading a needle it really annoys me watching people do it the hard way.

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